
For anyone thinking of becoming a Scout, I say, go for it, come and join the big adventure.

Bear Grylls, UK Chief Scout

We are based in Derwentside, providing fun, challenge, and everyday adventure to young people from 6 - 14. Scouts provides more adventurous activity to more young people than any other charity in the UK, which is remarkable considering it is run entirely by volunteers. Without your help, we can't make it happen. We hope to provide flexible volunteering that everyone can take part in and enjoy. We're always looking for volunteers! If you think you could offer us some of your time - however much - please get in touch - either come along and speak to one of the leaders or email us at scouts@blackhill.org.uk

Could you help run occasional activities or support the leaders at weekly sessions for our bubbly 6–8 year olds in Beavers or the older children in Cubs or Scouts? Could you help with the management of the group or our new, soon to be opened HQ building, with administration, fundraising or training?

Achieve amazing things as a Scouting volunteer your local community today. You’ll take part in things you’d never expect to do. You’ll develop skills employers look for, and helping young people to improve their lives and reach their potential makes it all worthwhile.

Scouting offers fun and friendship, challenge and everyday adventure for our 100,000 volunteers and 400,000 girls and boys in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers across the UK, whatever their physical ability, faith or community background.

A study found that over 90% of our volunteers believe that the skills and experiences they have gained through Scouting have been of relevance to their working or personal lives, such as:

We need more people like you to volunteer a little bit of your time. You don’t need any Scouting experience. You won’t have to wear a uniform. With full support and training, you can experience the fun, friendship and adventure of Scouting for yourself, all on a flexible basis. Whether you help out once a fortnight, month or term or just at special events or camps, there is bound to be a role you can play.

If you know someone else who may be interested do direct them to us - you might like to share / post the volunteer poster below.

Find out more about volunteering with the Scout Association www.scouts.org.uk/volunteer/volunteering-with-scouts/

Contact Us / Join / Frequently Asked Questions

Scouts is all about fun, challenges and adventure.

Scouts helps children and young adults reach their full potential. Scouts develop skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. We help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.

What do Scouts do?

Scouts take part in activities as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, expeditions overseas, photography, climbing and zorbing. As a Scout you can learn survival skills, first aid, computer programming, or even how to fly a plane. There’s something for every young person. It’s a great way to have fun, make friends, get outdoors, express your creativity and experience the wider world.

What do volunteers do?

This everyday adventure is possible thanks to our adult volunteers, who support Scouts in a wide range of roles from working directly with young people, to helping manage a Group, to being a charity Trustee. We help volunteers get the most out of their experiences at Scouts by providing opportunities for adventure, training, fun and friendship.

If you want to have a chat about helping or anything, please come along during one of the sessions on a Tuesday.

Our award-winning training scheme for volunteers means that adults get as much from Scouts as young people. Our approach focuses on what you want to get out of volunteering with Scouts, while respecting how much time you can offer. Over 90% of Scout volunteers say that their skills and experiences have been useful in their work or personal life.

Is there a waiting list?

Usually yes there is for Beavers, sometimes for Cubs, but generally not for Scouts. The main reason for a waiting list is due to ensuring we have the required ratio of leaders / parents to children and this ratio is highest for Beavers. Also some activities such as outdoor events cannot take place without additional adult support, so we ask that you support the group and leaders wherever you can. You don't have to be a parent of a beaver, cub or scout to support us - it is very rewarding, doesn't take too much time and can build skills and CVs.

Please tell us can you help the group? If so you will get prioritised as adult helpers are the limiting factor for group size.

Are you happy to support the leader on a rota or more often?

Are you happy to plan and deliver any particular activities - this might be crafts or games or any of the scouting badges e.g. learning about a different culture, cooking, first aid, sewing, IT etc - speak to a leader.

How much does does it cost?

Subscriptions "Subs" are £12 every month by direct debit. Subs pay towards hall usage costs, badges and activity materials, insurance and annual capitation fees (approx £50 per member) which we need to pay to Scouting. There are additional costs for camps, depending on facilities and activities. Payments are managed via OSM (Online Scout Manager) which the leaders will set up for you and allows them to minimise session time lost to collecting money. For new starters you would normally pay only after your first week. Please, if any parent can complete the gift aid section of the essential information form, it makes a big difference to the group. Scouting is voluntary, we are a charity and give our time freely for the benefit of the children in our / your scout group. If you can help us fundraise do discuss with any of the leaders.

Is a uniform required for new starters?

No, although scouting is a uniformed organisation, new starters would normally attend in activity clothes and once they are happy that they wish to join then a uniform would be needed. A uniform is required for investment, when a new member formally joins and is presented with the group badges and necker, which is usually after a few weeks - the section leader will let you know in advance.

Join the adventure....

complete the form details below, at the end you should see a submit button, if not try: CognitoForm-HelpingJoining If you want to have a chat about helping or anything, please come along during one of the sessions on a Tuesday.

By providing your details you consent to 1st Blackhill Scout group keeping your information on our waiting list. We will delete your information on request, after offering a place or after three years. We will only contact you regarding offering a place or letting you know when our AGM will be in case you want to find out more about us. As noted above, when we are short of helpers / leaders as we are at present for some sections we prioritise those on the waiting list who are able to help.

1st Blackhill Scouts, Registered Scout Group No. 32128, Charity No. 520684